Today I decided to do a hair mask! Yay! After looking up several recipes all of which i was missing ingredients I decided to go off roading and mix different recipes together. I know, I'm just wild like that.
I wore a janky tshirt that I use when I dye my hair, and I can pull it down because we cut off the shoulders, that's helpful so you don't have to pull it over your head. Besides that I used a dye mixing bowl and a brush (like the kind you would use to apply hair dye) and comb.
Olive Oil.
1 egg.
I basically just did it by eye, I guessed based on how much hair I have and how much I wanted to put on how much of each ingredient to use.
I really didn't use that much, I would say 1-2 teaspoons of each, definitely no more than 3 (unless you want to cover all of your hair or you have a mile of hair) I would recommend only using half of the egg, it ended up being harder to stir in, but the sugar did help to break it up.
I've also seen a lot of recipes with apple cider vinegar, which I forgot about until afterwards.
Mix well, the more mixed the egg is, the better, otherwise it will be impossible to spread.
Hi, I'm super cute, I focused on the scalp and tips of my hair. I also dropped the bowl in the sink like an idiot while trying to figure out how to get int on my head.
I brushed it on both sides of my part and combed through it. It was a little tough but it helped spread it. I also massaged it into my scalp which felt super good because it was cold.
If you want to be adorable, you can put your hair in a shower cap while you wait, which is also good because my hair started dripping, which was no bueno.
I left it on about 20-25 minutes and then i washed it off with warm water. Then I washed my scalp with head and shoulders.
End Result:
My hair is shiny, super soft and smells like vanilla.